Wind and Wing Play at Floras Lake (and yes, there are rocks there)
101 heading south down the Central Oregon Coast
Each time you head out the door to roam, it’s such a liberating feeling, right?! The adventure of the open road, fresh landscapes for your eyes, and the promise of fun finds are all dancing through your head. We actually don’t always leave the house intending to find rocks. It’s surprising, but true.
The trusty rig parked facing the lake, the seas, the wind, and fun.
This trip, we’re looking to do some serious playing. Floras lake boasts a super cool body of water, plus the beach, lovely hiking and mountain bike trails, a great campground, and even a wind sport school right on the lake.
6 meter wing pumped up and foil ready for a morning session.
We’re looking to ride these crazy boards with foils attached and sail around the lake with a big wing. It’s seriously like a magic carpet ride since once you get the board up on the foil, your board is actually hovering a foot or more out of the water!
Between sessions, it’s nice to hang out in the sun and do a quick oil pastel painting of the scenery. Just past that sand dune is the ocean so this place definitely does not lack in good views. The wetsuits just might be dry by the time I’m done and the wind comes back up.
Wind not quite right? Afternoon plein aire art session instead!
The first time I went out on water with the wing and foil was at Floras and it was immediately clear that I had a new favorite sport. As obsessed as I get with faceting and setting metal on fire, I seem to have the same problem with flying a water hover craft, do you blame me?
I did also find a few rocks on walks; plenty of quartz is down here as well as greenstone and serpentinite from the old accreted terranes. We’ll be posting more mineral and sport news from this fantastic location along the Oregon Coast, we just had to share what a cool place it is! Cheers!